Welcome to my website prepared for use by English teachers in Alpha Athens school district 

  Look in menu bar on the left for the following:

  1. Announcements (Current news)

  2. a) ENGLISH FORUM  for presenting ideas that work regarding methodologies and materials

     b) letters sent to teachers (Contact-me)

  4. useful links for finding


a) and creating EFL teaching materials,

b) teacher awareness raising videos

c) Greek & international organisations related to EFL teaching

d) legislation concerning teaching, exams etc. 

e) various programmes and

f) names, addresses, phone numbers/ fax for all  schools in my district (links)

       4. articles about teaching practice (articles)

        5. demonstration lesson plans presented by teachers in Alpha (lesson plans)

      6. presentations of past events  (events calendar)

      7. photos of  past events (photos)


See more photos  of good moments in articles in events calendar page