Article archive

Materials links for secondary school teachers

20/05/2010 10:32
 Find links to blogs, recources for new materials  as well as links to ways to make your teaching presentations more creative.  ELT resources GREAT MUSIC FOR ALL AGES.doc (163 kB) (videos and lyrics, FREE and BRILLIANT!) Excellent...

National & International Organisations

20/05/2010 14:04
  National organisations   (Greek Ministry of Education)  (Greek Pedagogical Institute) (Penhellenic Association of  State School Teachers of English)  (Hellenic Open...

Οργανισμό Εκδόσεων Διδακτικών Βιβλίων

20/05/2010 14:25
  Πληροφορίες: Ταχυδρ.Δ/νση:Μητροπόλεως 26-28 105 63 Αθήνα Τηλ: 010-3242815 εσωτ.395 FAX: 010-3226224 E-MAIL: 1. O Oργανισμός Εκδόσεως Διδακτικών Βιβλίων (Ο.Ε.Δ.Β.) ιδρύθηκε το 1937 (Α.Ν.952/37-ΦΕΚ 469 Α΄).Είναι Νομικό Πρόσωπο Δημοσίου Δικαίου μη κερδοσκοπικού χαρακτήρα...

How not to teach English by Marisa Constantinides

13/06/2010 11:34
Below is the URL for an interesting and provocative article about what not to do when teaching English. It is published here with permission of  long time teacher trainer and friend of PEKADE, Marisa...

Teaching kindergarten in Turkey

14/06/2010 10:27
I'm adding this article because we are  piloting teaching to 1st and 2nd primary school classes next year. The teacher concerned has access to every technological device on the market which we do not. However, the theory behind her teaching is similar to what we should be doing and she...

Lists of course books for 3rd class Primary School and Lyceum (2010-2011)

16/06/2010 09:38
Below find the list of  approved (by Υπ. ΕΔΒΜ &Θ) books for 2010-2011 for lyceum.  ΑΓΓΛΙΚΑ ΛΥΚΕΙΟΥ 2010-11.doc (345,5 kB)  New list for 3rd class primary school (2010-2011) ΕΓΚΡΙΣΗ ΚΑΤΑΛΟΓΟΥ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΩΝ ΑΠΟΦΑΣΗ 2010 2011.doc (113 kB)  

Educational trip to London for Teachers

30/06/2010 08:07
What a wonderful trip for the lucky 23!  A heat wave in Britain while it rained in sunny Greece. Weren't we canny? Every day full of exciting experiences. Day one, after a 5 a.m. start and early flight, was spent on a river cruise from Westminster to Greenwich at lunch time, followed...

Critical thinking

20/07/2010 08:11
Have a look at this video on critical thinking. Are we encouraging it in our students? Are we doing it ourselves?

Classroom organisation on first day of teaching in new school year

02/09/2010 17:45
  Here are some things to think about before teaching starts 1)   CLASSROOM LAYOUT OPTONS. Try and get your staff to agree to change the layout of the classroom(s) if you don’t have your own classroom. The best options are: α)  setting 2 desks together for group work in a...

Πρόγραμμα Εκμάθησης της Αγγλικής στην Πρώιμη Παιδική Ηλικία (ΠΕΑΠ)

07/09/2010 09:22
Please find  files related to the teaching of Engish at the all day (olohmero) schools in A' Athina. Please find the link for the Research Centre of Athens University under links for finding teaching materials/ resources on this page. ΠΙΛΟΤΙΚΑ ΟΛΟΗΜΕΡΑ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΑ Α' ΑΘΗΝΑΣ.xls (140 kB) ...
Items: 21 - 30 of 75
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